Hello Internet Traveller!
Welcome to my webspace! I'm Linky! This is my little corner on the web to showcase my art as well as various nostalgia and passion fueled creative projects. My anger at the current state of the internet(which is explained perfectly to a T here by sadgrl online right here on neocities) fueled me to start really learning how to code my own little space where I can be free, unapologetically unhinged and passionate about what I love. I'm learning HTML and CCS as I go. This site is constantly growing and is best experienced on a desktop computer. Take a look around and I hope you enjoy!
If you like the obscure pairing of Harlock/Maya or Mayalock from the 1982 anime movie Arcadia of My Youth, well you're in luck! Take a glass of pink wine and relax. There will be a lot of that goodness here!! I have a whole section of this website dedicated to them. Click here and check it out!!
If you don't see any of the new updates that are described in the changelog, and/or images may not load, clear your cache or hard refresh! (Ctrl + F5) That will probably fix it and things will show. Refreshing can also help after you clear the cache and some things still might not load. If not let me know in my guestbook so I can fix it in the future! It's encouraged to clear your cache from time to time since I've been adding a lot of graphics here, it happens pretty often. It's just too much fun !!
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