Linky's Fics

We'll Be Ready For What Comes Next

Fandom: Kamen Rider Gotchard

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Ichou Renge & Tsuruhara Sabimaru, Can Also Be Read As Sabimaru/Renge

Rating: G

Word Count: 300

Contents: Triple Drabble, Hurt/Comfort, Training

Notes: Written for the 2024 Spring Round of Seasons of Drabbles. Originally posted on 2024-04-27.

Summary: Sabimaru and Renge train their combat alchemy skills.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

The sword flung to the ground with a heavy clank, with Sabimaru flopping onto the ground alongside it. These training homunculi were tough… But he was determined.

For the sake of everyone, he had to get stronger.

Memories of the immense physical and emotional pain he felt when being forced to become Dread began to flood his mind. It hurt so much. Thoughts raced in his head as he remembered how it was the worst sensation he’d ever felt in his life.

“Sabi?” A familiar voice cut through the dark thoughts that began to form, Renge’s hand reached out to him. “You alright?”

“Y-Yeah…” He spoke sheepishly, looking down at the ground.

She he saw right through him, Renge knew Sabimaru better than anyone else. He could be very hard on himself at times, and one could just only imagine the pressure he felt right now. It was evident how the Dread incident still continued to haunt him.

Taking a deep breath, “Listen Sabi, I know we can do this.” Putting a hand on his shoulder, she could feel his tense muscles beginning to slowly relax. “There’s gonna be some rough training ahead, that’s for sure… But I believe in ya!”

He looked up at Renge. She’d always been so kind to him. Reaching out and being friendly, even when he was shy and kind of awkward. He had gained a bit more confidence over the years they’ve known each other, but it was still hard.

But thanks to Renge he’d been able to grow. Not only as an alchemist, but also as a person.

“Thank you Renge.” His voice was a little louder now as he picked his sword right back up, “Let’s do our best.”


The pair looked towards the homunculi, ready to face what lay ahead.

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