Linky's Fics

The Price

Fandom: Kamen Rider Geats

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Azuma Michinaga

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Contents: Mid-Canon, Character Study, Drabble

Notes: Originally written for [community profile] anythingdrabble. Amnesty Round: Challenge #69 - Ivy. This prompt got me thinking about Michi, and how things are going for my boy right now. Originally posted on 2023-02-07.

Summary: Crushing every single Kamen Rider out of existence— It would be well worth whatever the price would be.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

The vines embedded across his skin were a constant reminder. He knew they would inevitably consume every inch of him. The pain they would send across his entire body was unbearable. Surely this would kill any human.

But Michinaga was barely one at this point. If there still was any humanity left inside of him, it was tossed aside.

Crushing alll Kamen Riders out of existence— It was worth whatever the price is. Despite the pain his newfound power would bring him, he would keep fighting towards his goal.

To forge the very world that he desired more than anything.

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