Linky's Fics

The Hunt Goes On

Fandom: Kamen Rider Gotchard

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Atropos, Clotho, Lachesis

Rating: M

Word Count: 300

Contents: Genfic, Triple Drabble, Vignette, Graphic Violence, Blood, Murder

Notes: Done for [community profile] halfamoon! This one actually follows one of their prompts: Murder and/or Mayhem. Still learning how to gauge writing violence since I'm still new to it, so if this needs a different rating or anything else let me know! Originally posted on 2025-02-04.

Summary: The Abyssalis Sisters ambush an Alchemy research lab.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

They were surrounded by countless bodies. As the stench of death overtook everything in the area, each of the sisters were stained with multiple splatters of blood from the battle that was taking place.

Lachesis mercilessly sliced through an alchemist that lunged towards her. In a futile attempt at fighting for his life in the face of evil— which had come to claim what it felt rightfully belonged to it. As the thump of the body hit the ground, she only smirked at the sight.

With another punch Clotho struck down yet another alchemist, satisfied with hearing the crunch of bone against the concrete walls of the lab. But it was not enough. For her, it was never enough. And it could never be. That craving for violence and war was intertwined with the fabric and clay that created her very existence.

Atropos would teleport as she dodged attacks. Using her alchemy to contort the bodies of her assailants into deadly positions. Before ending things with a fierce snap as her eyes glowed red, creating more echoes of the crack of human bone within the room.

She looked across the tables. Papers were stained with blood as desks and furniture were either broken, or completely destroyed. As she ended her search, she frowned.

It wasn’t here.

No matter, they would find what they came for in due time. Atropos turned to her sisters, “It looks like what Master Geryon was looking for isn’t here.” She turned to the door and began to walk. “Let’s continue onward then.”

“Fine by me.” Clotho huffed as she cracked her knuckles.

“Me as well.” Lachesis began to wipe blood off her blade. “I’m plenty ready to have some more fun tonight.”

They went deeper into the facility as alarms blared, more carnage to come.

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