Linky's Fics

The Fun's Only Just Started

Fandom: Kamen Rider Ryuki

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Asakura Takeshi/Kitaoka Shuuichi

Rating: T

Word Count: 454

Contents: Unresolved Sexual Tension, Open Ending, Comment Fic, Homoerotic Fighting

Notes: For the prompt: Any, Any, Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting (Elton John). Originally posted on 2024-01-23.

Summary: Asakura ambushes Kitaoka in an alleyway.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Kitaoka wiped the blood off his lip, still feeling the sting of Asakura's punch. But he was still unable to not make a snide remark towards him. "You've wanted to fight me so bad, is that the best you've got?" Provoking Asakura was an admittedly unwise move, but he knew an easy way to sneak out of this alley. Plus Goro-chan would be here to assist him soon enough.

Asakura gave him a twisted grin, viciously gripping the collar of his suit and slamming him into the nearby wall. "You're pissing me off. Do you really have that much of a death-wish?" Blood pounded in his ears as the thrill of the fight overtook him, cornering Kitaoka against the wall. Getting in close. Very close. "I could easily kill you right now."

"And yet you don't." Kitaoka spoke with an air of confidence that could only be sourced from knowing help was on the way, and he had an escape route. Asakura was a tough opponent. And he knew just how much he'd been longing to fight him ever since he was his lawyer for that case.

To achieve his goal to live forever, he had to survive... But he couldn't help but have a little fun every now and again. Indulging in his human desires and all of that.

He could see Asakura clearly wanted to do the same. It wasn't that hard to notice once you really took a moment to look. How fighting got him... Excited.

"Hmph." Asakura then laughed wildly, his crazed laughter echoing throughout the alleyway. Shoving his face right into Kitaoka's. Their faces were barely inches apart, "I guess I could change that if you want to die that badly." Kitaoka could feel Asakura's breath hit his skin as he spoke.

"But do you? Or do you actually want to draw things out?" The remarks kept coming out. But speaking like that was as natural to Kitaoka as navigating his way towards victory in his court cases.

That, and to help buy time for Goro-chan. Who was almost here to help him get out of this.

Asakura's heart raced. Countless thoughts running through his mind as his body heated up at the thought of prolonging Kitaoka's suffering, before finally taking him down. Leaning close to his ear, "You're pissing me off with that mouth of yours." He spoke with a low, dark tone. "I guess I will then." Picking up a nearby pipe with his free arm.

A wry smile crept across Kitaoka's face. "Oh goodie. I was wondering when the party would start."

Another roaring and wild laugh from Asakura bounced off the brick walls, filling the air. "Oh don't worry. The fun has only just begun."

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