Linky's Fics

The Art of The Long Con

Fandom: Kamen Rider Ryuki

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Kitaoka Shuichi/Yura Goro, Yura Goro

Rating: G

Word Count: 300

Contents: Tripple Drabble, Angst, Greif/Mourning, Introspection, Takes Place During Rider Time Ryuki

Notes: Done for [community profile] toku100challenge, prompt was Grief. (DW Link) Originally posted on 2023-08-31.

Summary: Goro had learned from the best.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

It had already been so long since Kitaoka died, but the memory was ever-present in Goro’s mind. It was almost impossible for it not to be. Especially right now— As Asakura sat down in right front of him, wolfing down his cooking.

Asakura’s memories looked to be intact. Just how things were for the other riders he couldn’t say. But he wasn’t the only one who still remembered it all, Goro did too.

And Asakura had no idea.

Goro was able to keep his composure with masterful skill, to continue the facade of remembering nothing for as long as it was needed.

But deep inside, he allowed a part of himself to feel a whirlwind of emotions. The grief, the sadness, the yearning to turn back time, and bring Kitaoka back.

The fact it was too late to do anything. To prevent his sickness from chipping away at his life…

While the passage of time healed much of the wounds in his heart, so much of it still hurt. Even after multiple years. This was the man he loved, someone who his devotion to knew no bounds. And even then, as they now existed in different planes, separated by death— It still knew no bounds.

But there was no time to grieve for too long, not now anyways.

The man Kitaoka wanted to settle the score with, was right in front of him. Goro swore to himself that he’d see Sensei’s goal fulfilled.

Until then, the facade would continue. The mask would stay on, feigning ignorance and loyalty to find any openings. Watching, waiting, Until the perfect moment arises.

And when it showed itself— That is when he’d strike. Finishing what Kitaoka was left unable to do.

The art of the long con… Goro learned from the best, after all.

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