Linky's Fics

Satisfy Me (And Hit Me Again)

Fandom: Kamen Rider Ryuki, Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Asakura Takeshi/Nakadai Mikoto

Rating: M

Word Count: 500

Contents: Quintuple Drabble, Switching POV, Blood, Graphic Violence, Crossover Pairings, Fighting Kink, Choking, Blink And You Miss It Nakadai/Ryouga

Notes: Still learning how to gauge how much violence warrants the Archive Warning and how Graphic, Graphic is since I'm new to writing this sort of fic, but this time I picked it. Better safe than sorry. Originally posted on 2023-08-09.

Summary: Two strangers cross paths, and a thrilling fight for them both ensues.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Wiping the blood off his lips, Nakadai’s body racked up hit after hit as he fought back against this stranger— And he felt alive. His craving for excitement was akin to a gaping chasm inside of him, Nakadai’s thirst was never truly quenched for long.

But this? It was quite satisfying.

This man wearing a snakeskin jacket came out of nowhere, clearly aching for a fight. It was a look Nakadai knew better than anyone. And he couldn’t say no to that, now could he?

Now it wasn’t exactly the same as when he’d fought Ryouga… But it came pretty close. He couldn’t complain. Any form of excitement was welcomed, and this man could satisfy his needs quite well.

“I haven’t felt this excited in ages.” Smirking as he caught an opening. Landing a blow, and kicking his opponent straight in the stomach.

Coughing up blood, laughing. The look in this man’s eyes was crazed and wild, shoving Nakadai straight up against the concrete wall. It was sure to leave a mark. Not that Nakadai really cared or even minded. He was thrilled, every inch of his body heated up.

It was absolutely exhilarating. He needed more, more. Loving each hit that his body took, and hitting back the man in return. Seeing blood smear across his skin, and bruises form across the exposed skin under Asakura’s jacket.

Would he survive this? That was yet to be seen. And thinking about that… heat pooled up inside him.

Landing another punch against his victim’s face, Asakura couldn’t help but scoff at the lack of fear in his eyes.

“You really piss me off…” Gripping his throat, the tips of his fingers digging into his neck. Letting out another wild laugh as Nakadai gasped, “But, you’re a fun little plaything.” Grabbing his jacket by the collar, throwing him into some nearby crates.

It was interesting, Asakura hadn’t come across anyone like this. This guy almost reminded him of himself in some ways. He could feel just how eager he was for this to continue.

Fights were the only thing that ever kept his head straight. Each hit kept fueling the fire of his own excitement, his desire to keep this cycle of violence going only became more intense.

Blood was smeared across their bodies, drying into their clothes. Asakura hit him again, and again. Feeling a rush that only became more intense with each hit. Same for each hit he took. Everything felt so damn good.

He needed more, more. Shoving him against the wall again. He desperately craved to reach the peak of that thrill, chasing for it. Truly, nothing got him off like a fight.

“Are you ready to die?”

The man cackled, “You think I care about death? As long as I get excited, my own life is irrelevant.” Then punching Asakura in the face, he could feel warm blood drip down from his nose.

A wild grin crept across Asakura’s lips again. Tonight was going to be fun.

End Notes: Done for [community profile] toku100challenge, prompt was Crossover. (DW Link)

This idea has plagued me ever since I first saw Nakadai in Abaranger semi-recently in a groupwatch. I will probably revisit writing these two at another point. (Also we recently finished it and. What a show!)

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