Linky's Fics

Our Little Secret

Fandom: Kamen Rider Geats

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Ganaha Sae/Kurama Neon

Rating: M

Word Count: 100

Contents: Drabble, Fade To Black, Sex Pollen, Femslash, Kissing

Notes: Originally posted on 2023-02-16. As said in the summary this was made for the #ficwip Drabble Challenge! This was fun. I need to write more Geats fic, and especially with these two.

Geats has given me so many ships to write and draw for in general!! I don't think a show has given me such a big amount of ships in terms of amount like this before.

Summary: Neon was given it for her current dezastar mission— But instead, she had other ideas. Done for the #ficwip Drabble Challenge. Prompt was "Consensual Sex Pollen".

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

The plant’s origin was unknown. Its pollen was confirmed to be an aphrodisiac. Neon was given it for her current dezastar mission— But instead, she had other ideas.

In-between heated kisses, “It’s nice, isn’t it?” Neon gripped the collar on Sae’s uniform. Hands gripping Sae’s hair and unable to keep their lips apart.

“It is.” Sae spoke with a smile. “Come closer.” Pulling Neon on top of her lap, the two frantically undressing the other. Neon ground up against Sae, desperate to feel all she could of her. The pair quickly rolled under the covers.

Chirami didn’t have to know.

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