Linky's Fics

Newfound Peace

Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Link/Zelda

Rating: G

Word Count: 258

Contents: Fluff, Post-Canon, Slice of Life, Kissing, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Tumblr Ask Box Fic

Notes: Done for Matadorofheart on tumblr! Prompt for the ask game was reunion kiss / relief, I ended up mixing the two.

Summary: Zelda was alright, she was safe. And now they were reunited after so much.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Zelda was alright, she was safe. And now they were reunited after so much.

It was as if the biggest weight in the world was finally off his shoulders. The catalyst for his journey, and what ended up leading to Link finding out his destiny, was to find Zelda and assure her safety.

They held each other close, so very close. Their grip being so tight as to make sure nothing could separate them ever again. Even though everything was said and done. Their long and arduous journey was over, and they could finally enjoy lasting peace throughout their lives.

But after everything they’ve endured, they still couldn’t help it. Just to be safe.

They laughed and smiled as Zelda laid her head on Link’s shoulder. Enjoying the breathtaking view of the world of the surface below laid across them, as they sat atop the hands of the Goddess Statue.

Taking in the beautiful birdsong. Enjoying how the clouds painted themselves across the stunning blue sky. Feeling a soft breeze make its way through.

He gently kissed her forehead. And then saw a softness in Zelda’s eyes that made his heart melt as she looked up at him. She kissed him in return, but on the lips this time. It was short, yet sweet. And he could feel his heart skipping a beat throughout the kiss.

Zelda spoke up after some peaceful and warm silence, with words that were just as warm, if not warmer than the sun itself. “I’m so glad to be with you again, Link.”

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