Linky's Fics

It's There, Looming

Fandom: Kaiketsu Zubat

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Ken Hayakawa

Rating: T

Word Count: 100

Contents: Graphic Violence, Drabble, Whump, Past Character Death, PTSD Flashbacks

Notes: Done for [community profile] toku100challenge, prompt was Writer's Choice: Trauma. (DW Link)

It was a matter of time until I did a whump fic of some kind with Ken. (He's perfect for it) Originally posted on 2023-11-17.

Summary: It was an image that was forever seared into his mind.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

It was an image that was forever seared into his mind. Bullets running straight though Asuka, the metallic smells of gunpowder and his blood, the laughter of his killer roaring in the halls—

Ken was able to ground himself, but it was hard to tell how much time had passed. Slinging his guitar over his shoulder, starting to walk down the dirt path again.

These flashbacks would strike at any time. And without mercy. Even in Ken’s dreams. It was a common occurrence during his attempts to sleep, in fact.

It always loomed over his shoulder. Waiting to strike again.

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