Linky's Fics

How The Light Scatters

Fandom: Kamen Rider Ryuki

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Ren Akiyama/Shinji Kido

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Contents: Drabble, Pre-Slash, Ren Being Repressed

Notes: Done for [community profile] toku100challenge, prompt was colors. (DW Link) Wanted to write Ren being repressed like he tends to be! Originally posted on 2023-07-03.

Summary: Shini finds a prism.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

How the light through on this prism fascinated Shinji, making little faces of excitement as he rotated it in his hand.

“Hey! Ren! Take a look at this!” Holding it up to him, delight in his eyes.

Ren barely looked up from the dishes. “So? Don’t waste my time.”

With a huff, Shinji sat down. Continuing to examine it.

Peeking up again, just barely, Ren noticed how the sunlight was shining upon Shinji. Giving a glow to his hair. Seeing that smile—


In a swift motion Ren finished the last of the dishes, going upstairs without saying a word.

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