Linky's Fics

He's Still Got Some Growing To Do

Fandom: Kamen Rider Gotchard

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Edami Kyoka & Kurogane Spanner, Edami Kyoka

Rating: G

Word Count: 401

Contents: Gen, Mid-Canon, Introspection, Mentor & Apprentice Bond

Notes: A fill for the prompt "polish" for the #fanprompt game on the Fediverse. Did some minor format adjustments from the original posts. The actual contents of the story remain the same however. Originally posted on 2024-01-12.

Summary: Kyoka reflects on Spanner's recent performance in battle while doing maintenance on the Valvarusher.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Wiping the sweat off her brow, Kyoka got up to stretch. She was almost done polishing up the Valvarusher. Spanner really got wrecked during that last fight didn’t he? This hasn’t been the first time either recently. It looks like he’s hit a slump.

Though if she said that out loud, Kyoka knew he’d vehemently disagree.

Things have changed ever since that eazy-breezy boy showed up. With how long she’s known Spanner, it’s impossible to not notice.

Spanner still has a lot of growing to do. And it looks like that fact is finally starting to hit him. Ever so slowly creeping its way, closer and closer. Knowing his intense sense of self-pride better than anyone, Kyoka can only begin to imagine how he’s been taking it.

That eazy-breezy boy… He’s kickstarted a whole chain of events. With the whole academy, all the other students, and with Spanner himself.

Spanner still has to find himself. To find something that will make him stronger, in his own unique way.

Kyoka smiled to herself as she went back to cleaning the Valvarusher, humming a tune. She knows he can do it. There’s no doubt about that to her.

If there’s anything about Spanner, he will not give up once he is dedicated to a task. His loyalty and dedication to the cause she’s wrapped him up in has shown that part of him to the fullest possible degree.

She still worries in the back of her mind about getting him wrapped up in all this in the first place. But on multiple occasions he’d said time and time again that it was his own choice.

Kyoka can still remember that fateful day ten years ago, the scar on her arm a permanent reminder of it. They had to find Fuga, and prove he’s never been a traitor. This she swore.

Looking through the window across the room. The work in progress belt in view. It was getting there, making steady progress. With each moment she worked on it, she put her all into making one hell of a rider system to help make her beloved apprentice even stronger.

Even if he was dealing with a slump, she had faith in Spanner. Faith that he will overcome whatever has overcome him. They were both determined to their cause.

And she was as equally determined to help someone she cared about reach his fullest potential.

End Notes: I've only had Kyoka for two episodes and I love her. I also really enjoy what we've seen of her dynamic with Spanner so far. Excited to learn just what happened 10 years ago.

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