Linky's Fics


Fandom: Kamen Rider Gotchard

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Atropos

Rating: G

Word Count: 200

Contents: Genfic, Double Drabble, Character Study, Introspection

Notes: Done for [community profile] halfamoon. I've done fics centered around Clotho and Lachesis, now it's Atropos' turn. Originally posted on 2025-02-08.

Summary: Ever since Atropos became aware of Rinne, there was something that drew her towards her.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Ever since Atropos became aware of Rinne, there was something that drew her towards her. She was different from other humans. Everyone else she was merely apathetic about. She didn’t see them as anything more than vessels for the experiments of her, her sisters, and Master Geryon.

And over time Atropos quickly learned what exactly drew her to Rinne: Hatred.

She loathed Rinne with every fiber of her being. Humans were already useless creatures. Believing that connection and comradery were useful, and even necessary concepts for life. Such thoughts would only lead to their downfall. It was what made them weak.

So the fact Rinne continued to insist Atropos on the ridiculous notion that she wanted friends and connection… That girl couldn’t be more wrong.

What did she know about her? Nothing. Nothing at all. What gave her the right to say that? She was simply the daughter of a traitor who had become too confident in herself. Atropos wanted to get rid of that completely more than anything.

So Atropos lurked in the shadows. Covered by the veil of darkness as she planned out her next move.

In due time, she would utterly crush that confidence Rinne had gained.

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