Linky's Fics

Flames of Darkness

Fandom: Kamen Rider Gotchard

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Edami Kyoka & Kurogane Spanner

Rating: T

Word Count: 327

Contents: Gen, Pre-Canon, Introspection

Notes: any, any, sea of flames at [community profile] threesentenceficathon. This is so much more than three sentences... but I got inspired as I wrote!

Man, episode 20 am I right? Originally Posted on 2024-02-02.

Summary: It hurt like absolute hell, the pain was nothing like she'd felt before. But she was determined to be there for this child who was burdened with the sight of seeing his parents killed right in front of his very eyes.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Kyoka held onto the young boy tight, hugging him as he screamed with immeasurable amounts of pure rage and hatred— despite the scorching black flames that blazed against her and burned her skin.

It hurt like absolute hell, the pain was nothing like she'd felt before. But she was determined to be there for this child who was burdened with the sight of seeing his parents killed right in front of his very eyes. She'd seen Spanner before this incident, though it was mostly in passing. Both of his parents were the very best at combat alchemy out there.

Their skill was known across the alchemist world. Plus they've taught some of the students at the academy their techniques, helping train the next generation. He would be present at these demonstrations. Spanner no doubt would be a prodigy, and grow to become a master of alchemy like his parents before him. Kyoka knew this to be true deep within her heart. She had faith in the boy.

But at the same time because of his prodigal status and the death of his parents, this sea of black flames which were ignited by the purest hatred imaginable could easily send him to the depths of the abyss if he wasn't careful.

Another shrill scream of pure and concentrated rage emitted from the boy. Suddenly a pillar of darkness grazed against her arm, cutting into flesh. It would no doubt leave what would be a massive scar.

Only two thoughts were in her mind: At any cost, she had to protect Spanner. To give him a chance at life, and a chance to flourish. Giving him the chance to become the powerful alchemist he no doubt wished to become.

And that Geryon had to never know of Spanner, or to come across him again. With how this ordeal traumatized him to his very core, Kyoka could only imagine what would happen if such an event ever came to be.

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