Linky's Fics

Kamen Rider 555/Faiz

Here you will find my fics for Kamen Rider 555/Faiz that I've written and crossposted thus far.

That Cat's Tongue

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Takumi, Mari

Rating: G

Word Count: 80

Contents: Gen, Slice of Life, Microfic

Summary: Takumi just cannot wait for that udon to cool off properly.

Calling Out My Name (Against The Waves)

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Kusaka Masato, Inui Takumi, Sonoda Mari (Mentioned), One-sided Kusaka/Mari if you squint

Rating: G

Word Count: 500

Contents: Quintuple Drabble, Introspection, Character Study, Contains massive spoilerss, and Major Character Death.

Summary: Takes place in right near the end of Episode 48.

A Traveler, His Tender Tongue, and A Hidden Sadness

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Inui Takumi, Hino Eiji, Ankh

Rating: G

Word Count: 1207

Contents: Gen, Crossover (With Kamen Rider OOO), One Shot, Post Canon for Faiz, Mid Canon for OOO, Melancholy, A Touch of Humor

Summary: Out of all the folks to come on by for a meal at Cous Coussier, by the end of his stay this one would end up being particularly memorable when compared to the rest.

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