Linky's Fics

Daily Training

Fandom: Juken Sentai Gekiranger

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Kandou Jan

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Contents: Drabble, Gen, Training, Sparring

Notes: Done for Toku100Challenge! For my 3x3 bingo card. Prompt was Sparring. Originally posted on 2024-03-02.

Summary: It was time for daily training again.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

It was time for daily training again. Focusing in on every strike as well as being deliberate with all his movements. Every time he sparred with the others, a strong feeling of waki-waki would wash in. In it’s own way, sparring reminded him of how he’d play with the pandas back in the forest.

Going from living in the depths of nature to being brought to civilization, it was certainly an adjustment. There was still so much about the world around him he needed to learn.

But Jan took it all with a smile. Learning about the Beast-fist was fun!

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