Cool Websites!
Here's some other websites from neocities and beyond that I think are super good and that you should check out in no particular order. This list is ever-growing! There's a ton of sites here, I just love sharing cool stuff I come across. Note that some sites linked here will be NSFW/Adults Only, so keep that in mind as you websurf.
Last Updated: 6/8/2022
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Text links to awesome sites:
Awesome Personal Sites: | RetroAnimeChris | Gray's Tea | Briar Ripley Page | Marinazone | Illuminesce | Kiwico | IroIro's Retro Emporium | jwhighwind | Eternia | Eelaboraet | Mister Kitty | Momoirotrick| The Year is 199X | OH.MG | Manual stimulation - the gay gamer | Rhetorical Ramblings | Factory | Medoroa | The Last Melon | Emoe | WikiT | tabi98 | Threec2002.
Link Directories: JAUP | Yesterweb Link Directory | Webpage List | Yesterlinks | Gray's List | Flamedfury's Links Page | Webmaster Link Directory | Where The Hell Do I Find Oldweb Content | Bloglist Me
Fandom: Yvonne Gonzales Fan Studies | Destination Toast! Fandom Stats | Yahoo Groups Fandom Rescue Project | The Rec Center | Fandomdotlove | Fandomdotlove Big Bang Matcher Tutorial | Thinky Thoughts | r/FandomHistory | Fangirl Underground Library | Confessions of a 36-Year-Old Fan Fic Writer | | How to find fanfic from the olden days | MediaMiner | The Fanlistings Network | The Anime Fanlistings Network | Fanlore | Squee Fanlistings | How to make a fandom playlist | JaneBuzJane (Fandom tip Repository, Ao3 Scripts & more!) |
Social Without Social Media: Dreamwidth | Dreamwidth Primer | Dreamwidth Starter Pack | Text Editing Tips for Dreamwidth | Escargot | Run your own social
Anime/Manga: The Big O Archive | I Love Lum! | Feh Yes Vintage Manga Oasi delle anime | Arcadia: A Captain Harlock Shrine | Project | Graviton High, A Project A-ko Fan Site | Rumic World | (Archived) Leiji Matsumoto LJ Icons | Zimmerit | Settei Dreams | Erik's Anime LD Scans | Cosmo DNA | elenorecity
Game Fansites: Distant Skies - A Crystalis Fan Site | The Unofficial Nintendo Virtual Boy Home Page | FINALLY FANTASTIC | Zelda Reorchestrated | Dragon Quest | Xeno-Underground | History of Hyrule
Writing: | Various OTP Generators: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | RP Prompt Generator | | Fandom - Writing Resources I | Fandom - Writing Resources II | Fandom - Editing and Beta Readers + Promoting Your FanFic | Fandom - Keep Writing | Bettsfic Writing Tips | Bettsfic Writing Advice Masterdoc | How To Write Drabbles | Fic Writing Plan Graphic | More Drabble Tips: 1, 2 | 25 Ways To Come Up With a Title | WritingExercises | Ao3 Prompt Generator and Ao3 Prompt Generator With Custom Imputs | The 100 Words Prompt Generator | Bleep0bleep’s generators: Sfw Version, Nsfw Version | Seventh Sanctum | The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut Fic | List of Vocal Sounds for Smut | Some Smut Pointers | Smut Thesaurus | SmartEdit Writer | Minotaru's Sex Tips for Slash Writers
Podcasts I love: The Anime Nostalgia Podcast | Fansplaining Podcast | The One True Podcast | The Citrus Scale | The 8OH1 Podcast | Bliss Fully Aware | Anime is Lit | Fanfiction is Good Actually | Its All Fandom! | Maintenace Phase | Fandom, Fan Fiction and Fun: A Creator's Guide to Nerding Out | Blade Licking Thieves
Sailor Moon Fansites: Castle in The Sky - A Sailor Moon Fansite | Silver Moon Refuge | MERLINE'S HOMEPAGE | Sailor Senshi Playground | Sailor Moon Fan Network | The Moon Garden | Hitoshi Doi's Sailor Moon Guide | Memoirs of a fish | A Sailor Moon Romance | I Love Sailor Moon! (This was one of my fave fansites as a kid, I'm super emotional and happy that it's still around.) | Sailor moon Universe | The Oracle - Sailor Moon Resource Center | Eternal Flight - A Sailor Moon Fansite | Three-Lights | The Chibi Project
Coding + Site Building: Web Maker | CCS-Tricks | Mobile Friendly via CSS | Interneting Is Hard | Cocorini (Themes, Patterns, Resources, Html tips) | HtmlQueens | htmldog | WebGems | Box-shadow generator | CSS Generator Tool| mf2fm | Hugo| Geocities Graphics | WebNeko |Neocities hidden built-in RSS feature | Leprd | Zonelets | Lilly's Midi Archive | Ground Floor | Dynamic Drive | Tech Educational Resources | sitepoint | Web Zine 01 | Codesharing | PHP Scripts
The Corporate Web & You: How To Leave Social Media | Digital Wellbeing | Anonymize your Internet Footprint | | WriteFreely | Internet Manifestos | Metabook | R U AN ARTIST ON SOCIAL MEDIA??? | Why Neocities? | Flamedfury's Manifesto | Sadgrl.Online's Manifesto
Surf the Web: How To Surf the Web | Marginalia Search | WebCrawler | | Curlie | Wiby | Boardreader | Old'aVista
Graphics: Background Tiles | Web Badge Maker | Transparent Textures | Vaporesources | PetPet Generator | The Spriters Resource | Rose's Rose Garden | Nekohebi | | img2go | Earthbound Text Generator | GifCities | Glitter Graphics | Patterncooler | Error Message Generator
Great Web Finds of All Kinds: Web Design Museum | Line Sticker Downloader | The Pin-up Files | Fate/Stay Night Online | Coffee Order Generator | Frantic Fanfic | Pokemon Booster Pack Simulator | Taiko Web | Camerons World | r/internetisbeautiful | LainZine | Iwata Asks (R.I.P Mr. Iwata) | Renegade Publishing | Cat Therapy | Space Email | restorativland | Windows93 | The Yesterweb | No Clip | Yes Porn Allowed | No Porn Allowed
Tiny Sites: Tildeverse | | Ichi City | | | Gemini clients | So, you're interested in the smallweb
Useful: PostImages | CatBox | College Knowledge | TumblThree | DJT Guide | 昨日 Sakubi: Yesterday's Grammar Guide | ArchiveBox | Feedbro RSS Feed Reader Web Extension | Tatsumoto | Z-Library | Tiny tools roundup | Twine Manual | TiddlyWiki | Arias Ink | Free Japanese Fonts | Old version | Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg | Unsplash | Just One Cookbook
Art: Zine Creation Kit |pilssken art gainz | Artist resources masterpost | Queer Arts Resource | Art Gainz | Paint BBS | Quarantine Zine Club | Zines on Archive.Org | Ascii2d (Japanese Reverse Image Search for art, like SauceNao) | Two Dead Queers | Adult Artists Webring | Team 3000 Press | Cheap Freedom | KidPix | Croquis Cafe | (JPN site, ENG translated link) | Quick Poses | Line of Action | Ichi-up(JPN) | Clip Studio Paint Official Tutorials & Tips | Pixiv's How To Draw Section!
Leather Resources: Leather Archives & Museum | Leather fiction & history by Dusk Peterson | Tom of Finland Foundation | Leather Resources
Ao3 Related: ao3downloader | A Guide to Coding and Fanworks | Non-Fandom Formatting Guides | HTML & CSS stuffs | Ao3 Tutorials | Ao3 Tips for Readers & Writers | AoYeet | How to make your images responsive on AO3| How to Make Linked Footnotes on AO3 | Ao3 posting script | Ao3Skin @ Tumblr | Wayback Machine, Old Archives, and your AO3 Bookmarks | Ao3 Prompt Generator | Ao3 Prompt Generator With Custom Inputs | Ao3 Rekudos Conveter | Workflow from Google Docs to Ao3 | how to block an author from your Ao3 feed | How to: Block fanfics/tags/users & Hide too-long tag fields | Useful CSS for readers | downloading fics from ao3 | Hidden search operators cheatsheet | Ao3 Savior | Donate to The OTW!(The Nonprofit behind Ao3!) | Neat Fandom History post about Ao3's tag system origins | All sorts of Ao3 Tips & Tricks (Twitter) | AO3 Prompt Meme Skimmer
My Other Sites: