Linky's Fics

Better With Company

Fandom: Shin Kamen Rider

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Hongo Takeshi/Ichimonji Hayato

Rating: G

Word Count: 300

Contents: Sharing A Body, Triple Drabble, Post-Canon, Food, A Little Fluff

Notes: Done for [community profile] toku100challenge, prompt was a quick snack. (DW Link)

Loved this film in the theater, and looking forward to rewatching this. I wanted to write something back when I first saw it, but anytime is always good! :D Love cyborg induced emotions and body sharing. Originally posted on 2023-07-26.

Summary: Ichimonji would still keep the helmet on in moments of respite.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Ichimonji would still keep the helmet on in moments of respite. That kindness and warmth enveloped him like a blanket, all coming from Hongo’s prana— His very soul. It was comforting, to know that the loneliness that loomed over them both was now gone.

Together, they’d fight on. To stop Shocker’s plans.

Tachibana and Taki provided them rations as they went onward towards their next objective. After another long ride, and some fights, they found themselves at a beach.

In a quaint little seaside town too. The waves of the ocean gently sung in the ear. A cool and gentle breeze passed on through. It was something like a scene you’d find on painted on the back of a postcard.

Ichimonji got out their rations that Taki and Tachibana provided. Cooking everything in the same set that Ruriko had…

As always, he kept the helmet on. Ichimonji wanted Hongo to enjoy the taste. He wanted him to enjoy everything as much as he possibly could, in this body they now shared. The scent of the food as it cooked, along with the taste of it as well.

“Taste good?” Ichimonji asked after having some stew.

“It does.” There was a warmth in Hongo’s voice, which in turn made a warmth all of it’s own grow inside Ichimonji’s chest.

“You know, some say that food tastes better when you eat it outdoors.” Eating another spoonful, “I’m starting to think there’s some merit to that.”

Hongo could taste it and savor it all, just like Ichimonji. The savory flavor. How the meat melted in your mouth, he didn’t remember just when he last felt so at ease.

Thinking back to the food he had with Ruriko, “They also say food is also best shared with company.”

Hearing that… Ichimonji could only smile.

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