Linky's Fics

A Cute Hat

Fandom: Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Zox Goldtweaker, The other Goldtweakers are mentioned

Rating: G

Word Count: 110

Contents: Gen, Time Travel, Microfic

Notes: A fill for 3 Sentence Ficathon on Dreamwidth. Prompt for this was time traveling pirates!

Summary: Just whatever it was that Flint's latest invention did— the Goldtweakers had found themselves sent back in time to the 80's.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Just whatever it was that Flint's latest invention did— the Goldtweakers had found themselves sent back in time to the 80's. Everything from the architecture to how people dressed was reminiscent of the time Retrotopia attacked, but it despite the familiar feeling from that encounter... It all felt very different at the same time.

Well they'd find a way out of this situation at some point. They are the Goldtweaker family after all.

Plus it was time for lunch. Zox turned around to his siblings, "We can figure this all out later. In the meantime, let's have some fun." Grinning as he pointed to a nearby food stand behind him.

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