Linky's Fics

Warm Breeze and Warm Soup

Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Marin & Link, Marin

Rating: G

Word Count: 417

Contents: Gen, Friendship, Fluff, Slice of Life, Introspection, Marin's POV, Gift Fic

Notes: A gift for tellmewhatyousee for Fandom Trees 2023. Originally posted on 2024-1-18.

Summary: It felt like yesterday when that boy washed up on the beach. With his face in the sand, and the waves rippling over him as he was out cold.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

It felt like yesterday when that boy washed up on the beach. With his face in the sand, and the waves rippling over him as he was out cold.

Even now, Marin still wondered just what land faraway out there did he even come from…

He didn’t really talk much back when they first met, or now. Overall Link was not much of a talker, but he was a good guy. Deep down she just knew this. There was this quality to him that you could just feel—

Just about anyone could tell that there was a just and kind air to Link. And this was only further proven by his actions. While working on his own goals, he still took the time to help the locals however he could.

At times he took breaks from him scurrying along the island. Stopping for a rest from doing various tasks for his quest to wake the Wind Fish. During these moments of rest, he’d listen to her sing with a smile on his face.

During those moments Marin could swear… That he’d softly hum along the ballad with her too.

She had so many questions about Link. Questions that would gently but continuously poke at her mind during many hours of the day; Just who was Link? Where did he come from? What was his life like before washing up on Koholint?

But Link would answer those questions himself if he wanted to. As curious as she was, telling her any of that was up to him. Whenever Link was ready, or if he wanted to— he would.

Despite that, she was glad to have found a new friend. Life before Link wasn’t lonely, far from it. Many people on Koholint have been kind to her and Tarin. But ever since he washed up on that shore, her life felt more exciting. More busy, but also lively. Ever since he washed onto the island, the world felt more alive as they became friends.

The well, the crane shop, and many other moments together, Marin made wonderful memories with a new friend that she would cherish for her entire life. While reflecting on these moments as she sat on the beach, she smiled. A happiness would always burst within her whenever she’d think and look back on the time they’ve spent together thus far.

Marin was truly grateful to have Link as a friend. So many memories have been made, and she hoped to make more of them together.

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