Linky's Fics

A Kiss In The Rain

Fandom: Kaiketsu Zubat

Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Ken Hayakawa/Shingo Toujou

Rating: G

Word Count: 153

Contents: Fluff, Kissing

Notes: Done for the prompt any, any, kissing in the rain for [community profile] threesentenceficathon. Originally posted on 2024-01-18.

Summary: Tojo briefs Ken on what's next.

Also On: Ao3, Dreamwidth

Rain stared to fall in the quiet countryside as Tojo briefed with Ken about the hired man in the nearby city, all while Ken leaned oh so calmly on Tojo's car while talking through an opened window, despite the downpour that was forming up above. The city was still a ways away, "Hayakawa it's pouring, get in the car. Just don't get in the way once we get there, alright?"

Ken made a made a quick and slightly silly face while in thought for a second, the hesitation clearly done on purpose, "...Alright." Then pecking him on the cheek, catching Tojo completely off guard. "Thank you Tojo." He was obviously a tiny bit flustered by the gesture, but Tojo kept his composure as Ken got into the car as they drove off.

Ken was left completely unable to hide a small smile that rested at the edge of his lips the entire drive.

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